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💡 Discover access options to the Nimbi Network here

titleSUPPLIER | NEW LAYOUTrequirements to access

titleAre there requirements to access Nimbi network?
  • Chrome: Most current version released. Compatibility with version released no more than 6 months from the current date;

  • Mozilla Firefox: Most current version released. Compatibility with version released no more than 6 months from the current date;

  • Microsoft Edge: Current or immediately previous version.



The Browser must allow the use of cookies and must keep its versions and antivirus versions always up-to-date and active, in order to use all resources offered by the Nimbi Network


titleWhat is the login page?

Access Options:

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Directly through the URL

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titleHow do I register my company on the Nimbi network?

To register on the Nimbi Network, access

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And click on the link: I am not registered, Create one now.

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Fill in the requested fields, including e-mail (this e-mail will be your login), country, Tax Number, and your Company name. Click Next to have the registration message sent to your email.

When accessing the registration message received by e-mail, click on the link Access here to complete the activation of your Rede Nimbi account.

To register the password, follow the rules shown on the right side of the screen and finish the operation by clicking on Activate account.

Carefully read the administrator's disclaimer, if you agree, check the flag and click Accept.

By activating the account, your company will be ready to be invited to participate in new connections and negotiations.

In the Administrators step, the data of the user who is registering his company in the Nimbi Network will be informed. This user will be registered as the Administrator of your company's Nimbi account.

If the company has other administrator users, click on the Add New Administrator link, fill in the information with the data of the users that will be created and click Next.

To complete the registration and accept the terms of use, confirm the information displayed and click Finish.

titleHow do I log in Nimbi Networkchange my contact email?

To log in to the Nimbi Network, just access , enter your access email, password and click Sign in.

If you do not have a password, just click on the link Forgot your password or blocked the user?  and follow the procedure received by email.

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titleAccept the Terms of Use

Upon receiving the message about updating the terms of use, access the Nimbi network to view it. Carefully read all the points presented in the term present in the floating panel.

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To continue using the platform, you must accept it.

To do so, select the checkbox that in the message that denotes your responsibility for the company, agreeing to the Nimbi Network Terms of Use.

End your subscription by clicking the Accept button.

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Note: If you choose to accept the terms at another time, click Remember Later. It is important to highlight that Nimbi has a 30-day deadline.

The Remember Later will give you access to your company's Nimbi account without having to accept the term. 

It is important to note that Nimbi has 30 days to accept the term. This deadline is counted from the moment any user of the company's Nimbi account clicks this button.

Accesses following the Remember Later action will display the Terms of Use and the remaining days for Acceptance;

Once the term for acceptance of the Term has expired, the user will only access the company's Nimbi account when making the Acceptance;

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Important: If there is a Refusal on the terms, the user access to the company's Nimbi account will not be performed.

Subsequent accesses will signal the need to accept the Terms of Use in order to access the company's Nimbi account with your user, and provide the Continue button (30 days left) if it has not yet been activated.

titleHow can I change my profile image?

When accessing the application, click on My Profile in the toolbar.

In the Profile Image panel, click Change Profile Image to add or change your profile photo.

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change your user contact email, access Rede Nimbi with your login and password;

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In the top right corner, click on your username and select the My Profile option;

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Navigate to the Identification panel, go to the Email field and enter the new desired email;

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titleHow can I change my profile image?

When accessing the application, click on My Profile in the toolbar.

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In the Profile Image panel, click Change Profile Image to add or change your profile photo.

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titleWhat is the login page?

Access Options:

Home page.pngImage Added

Directly through the URL

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titleHow do I log in Nimbi?

To log in to the Nimbi Network, just access , enter your access email, password and click Sign in.

If you do not have a password, just click on the link Forgot your password or blocked the user?  and follow the procedure received by email.

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titleHow do I switch the Default language on the Nimbi Network login area?

To change the language of the Nimbi network's initial access screen, follow the instruction below:

Access the page Select the desired language among English, Portuguese and Spanish located at the top of the screen.

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To change the language in the logged in area, click on your username, in the upper right corner of the screen, and navigate to My Profile;

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In the Language panel > select the desired language;

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At the end of the operation, click on Save located at the bottom of the page so that the language change is saved;

titleHow do I unlock my access login?

To unlock your users login, please access:

Click on Forgot your password or blocked the user?

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Enter your access email and click Send.

A message will be sent to your user's login email with instructions to reset the password.

When creating a new password, your user will be unlocked.

titleHow do I recover an expired invitation?

To retrieve an invite that is already expired:

When viewing the message informing you of the expired invitation, click on Click here to generate a new one for the respective invitation:

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On the next page, register a password, according to the parameters exposed, however, easy to remember, with at least 6 characters, without spaces, containing at least 3 of the following criteria:

  • an uppercase letter;

  • a lowercase letter;

  • a number;

  • a special symbols/character: { ? [ ] , . ; : " @ / # $ % & () + - = }.

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Once this is done, a new token will be made available, in a new invitation message sent to the registered email, for your acceptance.

titleI forgot my access data, what should I do?
  • Preferably, check with your company's account administrator for the registered email address to access the Nimbi Network.

  • If you were unsuccessful in your verification, please, contact us:


If you are a supplier to the Vale portal, please contact us by phone: 0800-047-4242 (Exclusive for Vale suppliers)

titleI forgot my password, how to recover?

To recover your password, access the page and click on Forgot your password or blocked the user?

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After filling in the e-mail field with your login, click Send.

You will receive an email to create a new password. Follow the password reset criteria and then click Reset.

Just click Continue to log in and use the service.


To request the inclusion of an Administrator user, please follow the procedure below:

Access and click Create one Now

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Enter your company data and click Next;

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Fill in your name and click I would like to request an inclusion administrator list my company's Nimbi profile;

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Include the Authorization Request (available at physically filled in and signed by a legal representative of your company; Attach the Social Contract or equivalent document in its respective area and click Next;

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titleThe Portal Administrator no longer works for the company

Important: The accepted file formats are: png, jpg, jpeg, pdf or doc;

Fill in your information in the Personal Information panel;

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In Administrator, enter the data of the desired administrator. Click on +Add New Administrator to insert other users;

Image RemovedCarefully read the information on the Terms Of Responsabilitypanel and, if you agree, check the I have read and agree to the terms field, and click Submit.Image RemovedAt the end of the registration of the information, write down the request number and wait for the return of our service, which will be done via e-mail, within 2 business days
titleI have not received the email?

Have you checked your spam folder in the email?
Yes, and you didn't find it?
In this case, please open a query here:

Accept the Terms of Use

Upon receiving the message about updating the terms of use, access the Nimbi network to view it. Carefully read all the points presented in the term present in the floating panel.

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To continue using the platform, you must accept it.

To do so, select the checkbox that in the message that denotes your responsibility for the company, agreeing to the Nimbi Network Terms of Use.

End your subscription by clicking the Accept button.

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If you choose to accept the terms at another time, click Remember Later. It is important to highlight that Nimbi has a 30-day deadline.

The Remember Later will give you access to your company's Nimbi account without having to accept the term. 

It is important to note that Nimbi has 30 days to accept the term. This deadline is counted from the moment any user of the company's Nimbi account clicks this button.

Accesses following the Remember Later action will display the Terms of Use and the remaining days for Acceptance;

Once the term for acceptance of the Term has expired, the user will only access the company's Nimbi account when making the Acceptance;

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Important: If there is a Refusal on the terms, the user access to the company's Nimbi account will not be performed.

Subsequent accesses will signal the need to accept the Terms of Use in order to access the company's Nimbi account with your user, and provide the Continue button (30 days left) if it has not yet been activated.

titleI am a supplier , how much do I pay and I want to know what the cost is to use the Nimbi Network?

The quotes Quotations and purchase orders that will be made through the Nimbi platform are free of charge, although there may be different commercial conditions, which are established according to the specific needs of each client.However, if your company is interested in having a buyer profile to create Requests, Orders, Auctions or Quotations for your potential suppliers, in addition to the public profile that your company already has as a supplier, verify more information about any condition. and costs of our applications by sending an email to:  

For questions about supplies and negotiations to which your company has been was invited, we suggest recommend checking the commercial conditions directly with your respective business partner
(the Buyer who eventually invited you to participate in a transaction) or with our customer service through via the form

Still needs help?


Our Support channels:

  • 💬 Fast and personalized support via WhatsApp with a Nimbi specialist for Suppliers! ⏳ Take advantage of the Launch Offer and subscribe now!

Our support is from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm - Brasilia Time (Except weekends and holidays).