- Created by Suporte1N 1 , last modified on Aug 13, 2024
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This company's data is automatically synced with the IRS.
Synchronization with the IRS is an external service and therefore we cannot guarantee its proper functioning, not even in cases where there are no systemic impediments to sending.
However, to update your registration, go to: My To-Dos > click on Registration updates;
Scroll the mouse cursor down and select the customer and check its registration status, which should be In Update;
Then click Edit Register
Click on the “Sections” tab > Register.
Scroll down to the “Board Members and Administrators” panel.
When you finish filling out, click Save Register and Send to Evaluation, at the top of the page.
To add new activity categories for your company, navigate to My Register > Sections tab > click on the Operation tab > Edit Register button;
In the Category panel, click Add;
Select the category(ies) you want to include in the search field and click the Add button to complete the operation.
We emphasize that we work with the UNSPSC standard (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code). It is a hierarchical convention, defined and adopted by the United Nations, with worldwide scope and application, used to classify all types of products (including materials) and services.
In the search field, when adding categories of your company's activity, search for the keywords linked to your activity and check the category your company falls into.
If you can't find it exactly, select the categories that come closest to the scope of your company.
Finally, click Save Register to save the changes made;
To add new field(s) of business for your company, navigate to My Register > Sections tab > click on the Operation tab > Edit Register button;
In Field(s) of Business, panel, click Add;
Add a region of operation by clicking on the Continent and then on the + button to add the Country and State/Province or Region.
Then click Add;
If you choose the wrong region, click the “X” at the bottom of the window so the selected region can be deleted.
To delete an activity category, click the Actions in List link, select the desired category, and click Delete.
After adding the desired regions of operation, click Save Registration so that the added information can be saved in your company's registration.
To activate automatic validation of public documents, access the Nimbi network and on the left side of the screen click on My documents;
Activating data validation is a private option on the Nimbi platform and to acquire it you must pay 10x R$9.00.
After clicking on My Documents, a message will be displayed on the screen with information about purchasing automatic document validation. If you wish to purchase, click on Purchase Documents;
Fill in your payment method details and finally click Confirm;
The list of documents that will have automatic validation in your registration will be listed below.
To add/attach documents requested by your client, go to: My Customers > Locate and click on the company you want to update the register;
If the registration status is Approved, Connected there is no need to update it and, if it is Pending, you must first accept the connection invitation.
Check the Tracking tab to see if your business partner entered comments to help with the record update response, and click Edit Register.
Comply with the requirements requested in the available guides;
With each completed section, it is important to save the inclusion to proceed to the next update.
After filling in all the necessary information, click Send to evaluation.
This option will not be displayed if the company that invited you does not request the inclusion of this data.
To update documents for a client, access the My Customers tab > in the list that will be displayed, click on the name of the desired client;
Click on Edit Register and on the next page, click on the Documents tab;
You can use the Advanced Filter to help manage your customer's documentation, and these filters do not include public documentation. Private documents only.
Click on the title to open the desired documentation area;
If there is documentation requested by your client that is not within the scope of your company, and you do not have or even have doubts about what the requested document is about, contact your client directly for clarification.
Pay attention to the File Status column, where you can check whether the document has already been sent for customer validation (“Published” status). In this state it will not be possible to change the current document.
In the Action column, each icon represents a process in the following order: upload, download, delete and comment.
To attach a document, click the Upload icon to insert the file;
After publication, confirmation will be displayed, finally Send to your customers evaluation:
To check pending issues in your registration, check your customer's feedback comment in My Customers > Select the desired customer > navigate to the Tracking tab.
Check the reason for the return by clicking Show Comment, available on the return card.
The connection invitation statuses are:
Accepted – The invited user registered his company's CNPJ on Rede Nimbi, created his username, password and accepted the invitation, being up to date with the connection process;
Waiting Accept - The invitation was successfully generated and sent to the user's email address. In this way, the Administrator user of the invited company is informed via email and notification on the platform to accept the invitation and connect with your company;
Forwarded (Access Request) - The invitation was generated for a company already connected to yours. However, the invited contact is not registered with the partner company. This way, the Administrator user of the invited company will have to Approve or Deny access to the respective contact;
In Processing - The invitation was registered on the Nimbi Network, but is in the queue to be sent to the connection (invited user/company);
Canceled - Invitation canceled by the company issuing the invitation or after 1 year without obtaining acceptance from the supplier;
Error - The invitation was registered on the Nimbi Network but the sending or acceptance process failed. This way, a new invitation must be generated;
Refused – The invitation was generated and successfully sent to the informed user's email, but the connection (invited user/company) rejected it.
If the company is already registered on the Nimbi Network, but is not part of its Connection Network, the way to send the connection request:
Within the platform, access Nimbi Network > Dashboard > select the country of the desired company.
On the next page, search for the desired company or search for the company using its Tax Number in the search field.
In the desired company line, click the Request Connection button.
Fill in the details of the desired company and the contact of the user who wishes to carry out the transaction and confirm the action;
Remembering that the request only informs the customer that your company wishes to serve them, after the procedure, sending the invitation is the customer's exclusive action.
To retrieve an invite that is already expired:
When viewing the message informing you of the expired invitation, click on Click here to generate a new one for the respective invitation:
On the next page, register a password, according to the parameters exposed, however, easy to remember, with at least 6 characters, without spaces, containing at least 3 of the following criteria:
an uppercase letter;
a lowercase letter;
a number;
a special symbols/character: { ? [ ] , . ; : " @ / # $ % & () + - = }.
Once this is done, a new token will be made available, in a new invitation message sent to the registered email, for your acceptance.
If you didn't find the customer's invitation, it's important to check your spam folder.
Have you checked your email spam folder?
If your company is already registered on the Nimbi Network, check whether your company's Account Administrator has already accepted connection invitations related to your network.
In the logged in area it will be possible to establish connections with the desired companies.
Accessing My To-Dos > Invites.
In the Invites panel, select the desired company invitation and click Accept or directly in the Action column click the accept option.
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