Navigate to My Historic > Invoices > + Actions > Upload Invoices, then select the invoice you want to upload;
In the window that will appear, select which type of note you want to upload and click Confirm;
Then, on the IMPORT - INVOICES screen, insert the .XML file of the desired invoice by dragging it to the demarcated area or by clicking Add file.
Note: In the case of a service invoice or an international invoice, the panels Identifiers, Invoice Data and Supported Orders will be displayed with mandatory completion ( * ) according to the country in question.
When creating a new service or international invoice, there is a new required field. Due date.
This field must be completed with a date greater than the invoice issue date.
In the case of a service invoice:
In the case of an international invoice:
After inclusion, check the import process in Import Status.
To consult the imported invoice, return to the My Historic tab > Invoice and select the desired document.